We stayed in Madinah for about 4 days. Muslims marched to 'Masjid Nabawi' setiap kali azan berkumandang. MasyaAllah. Great experience. sometimes i thought that i was early, but when i stepped in the mosque, it was full. no place to squeeze in. but as long as u have niat to pray in the mosque. with His mercy, Insyaallah you will find a small place in between saf just for you. Masyaallah. Allah Maha Besar.
The security is super tight at the mosque. u can't bring in your camera or smartphones. i was caught red handed when i tried to bring in my iphone. dorang pandai cakap bahasa indonesia. they often think that malaysians are indonesians (apa indon je ke yg ramai kat sana?). back to the security who clad in her Abaya who was still staring at me, wth her big black eyes, scolded my in arabic. all i heard was Keluar!! keluar!! (dalam hati, amused dia ni bleh ckp melayu)..there was I feeling numb. can't go back to the hotel coz it's almost prayer time. so, i went out, put my phone in my thick socks (coz they normally will only check your bag)..tried to go in through the other door, walla!! i passed the security check! my blood circulation was back to normal :)
Madinah adalah heaven for
* people are busy shopping outside Masjid Nabawi after Subuh prayer...
* waiting for my turn visiting Raudhah...i took me 1 or 2 hrs to go in. Solat sunat for like 5 mins. du'a. asked to leave by the security. Alhamdulillah, i visited Raudhah for 3 times while i was in Madinah. Syukur nikmat. and every time i went in, i got the chance to perform my solat without being pushed or sandwiched by others.
* Masjid Quba. Rasulullah selalu solat di situ dan selalunyer baginda memilih hari Sabtu untuk ke Masjid Quba. Rasullah pernah bersabda "barangsiapa yg bersuci di rumahnya kemudian mendatangi Masjid Quba, lalu solat di sana maka baginya pahala Umrah". Alhamdulillah, we were among those who got a chance to Masjid Quba. It has 4 beautiful towers. we performed our solat sunat there and off we went to Jabbal Uhud.
* Jabbal Uhud and Perkuburan Syuhada Perang Uhud.
* Masjid Qiblatain.
di sinilah terjadinyer dua kiblat dalam satu solat.
our 4 days were well spent. solat, ziarah, solat and solat..Alhamdulillah. and of coz ada some shopping bags for orang kampung :)
the very next day, we went to Makkah Al-Mukarramah to perform our Umrah. Masjidil Haram is really something. I have goosebumps whenever i think of Kaabah. Masyaallah. I've got to say "ALHAMDULILLAH ATAS SEGALA NIKMATMU YA ALLAH"..
* will write again bout Makkah Al-Mukarramah..Insyaallah..till then lovelies..take care :)