Friday, 21 October 2011

dalam hati saya ada taman

saya gembira...sebab?

finally my whole lot are here with me. big kakak are at home now and cuti till wednesday nxt week. the kids sangat happy boleh makan sama2, gelak guling2 and bergaduh pon guling2 bersama :)

while writing this entry, half of the clan are already sleeping, tinggal the 2 big kids playing playstation in adam's room. we missed the daddy on board as he is now in Avillion PD with his management team. tadi he texted me, bgtau dia sedang berkaraoke with the team...and bila tanya lagu apa tgh dia layan, dia ckp lagu aris ariwatan!! hahaha..whaaaattt??? nyanyi lagu negaraku je x boley ke? hehehe..patot la hujan kat sebelah sini :)

*anak2 bertuah kami :)

* Happy pink weekend Cinta!! lotsa love, yours truly!

till we meet again, toodles!!


  1. tukar image, tukar nama... tapi tetap menawan.

  2. mana ada tukar2..hehehe..thanx kak noni :))
